I think the possibility of a Sony takeover makes an upgrade more likely rather 
than less likely. If Sony wants the Pentax name, they probably want it for a 
prosumer line. They'll continue to use their own name on P&S. If they don't 
want the Pentax name, they won't buy the company. Changing the mount would be 
foolish. You're starting from scratch if you do that. In any case, I'm quite 
sure there will be a Pentax upgrade, merger or no. Even if the camera division 
fails to make money, it's a necessary adjunct to other Pentax business. 

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "keithw" 
> Subject: Re: Rumors About Pentax's Future
> > 
> > 
> > Why the concern?
> Tom is very concerned about being able to upgrade his camera bodies.
> William Robb

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