Yeah, you're pretty funny Rob.  :)

I figure the laptop will allow me to run Photoshop and do a little editing, along the way, not to mention the added ability to burn CD's, DVD's for backups. Weird how digital induces paranoia that I never had with film. Is there a 100G standalone storage device??? Most I've seen is around 80G. If the Epson thing was 80G, I might consider it... but the 40G, is it?, is still too small to justify the expense, IMO.

Tom C.

From: "Rob Studdert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Possible Image Tank Solution
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 13:50:48 +1000

Do you intend to use the lap-top for anything other than storage? It seems a
bit of overkill otherwise in a minimalist set-up. You know if you bought a
100GB portable storage device you could probably afford a big solid state CF
card :-)

BTW I hear you're not too happy about the *ist D buffer <vbg>


Rob Studdert

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