> To your question, SMC Pentax filters are highly reputed. Hoya HMC are
> good and affordable; I have even heard that going SHMC is falling for
> marketing ploy. I have also used Heliopan filters (for B&W) and was
> amazed by the smoothness of fitting.

I like both Pentax SMC and Hoya HMC filters (and, I've found the Hoya HMC's
easier to clean).  I've never tried a Hoya SHMC - it does sound like a
marketing ploy - <g>.

I once tried getting a couple of Heliopan filters but could not seem to
locate multicoated ones, so I gave up.

I don't use filters all the time - I try to use filters only on frequently
used lenses that see a lot of outdoors service.


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