>>Mark Roberts
>>Mon, 30 May 2005 10:52:43 -0700
>"Bob W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>That should give their marketing department something to work with:
>>       Better the Devil You Know...
>>       Pentax - the camera Satan would use
>>       Burn in Hell with Honeywell
>>       Pedo Polanski Prefers Pentax
>   If you can pronounce "Beelzebub", you'll have no trouble with "*ist"
>>and they could offer free courses in film devil-opment...
>...and give in-store demon-strations of all their products!
>(It aint for nothing that "Lucifer" means "light bringer")

And we're calling the other brands the "dark side"?
I'd think Cotty whould have something suitable to 
interject at this point.



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