>Here's another - taking candid portraits of a young kid who is 
>moving around and you are catching some great facial 
>expressions.  Click, click, click as you go.  Suddenly you he 
>puts on the cutest grin and the BUFFER is FULL.

In my personal experience, even with 4.5fps PZ-1P the young kid will put on
the cutest grin precisely between the two frames :-)

>When shooting RAW on the *istD, the fastest cards take about 
>7-9 seconds per shot to write out.  Slower cards can take up 
>to 15 seconds per shot.  With a full buffer, that is quite a 
>bit of time to elapse.

That's a long time, indeed. Something you do not think about with film
camera. But, if the figures for Nikon D70 are correct, it sounds to me that
larger buffer provides only a partial, temporary workaround. A redesign of
electronics to speed up the writing by almost an order of magnitude would be
more desirable solution.



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