I use a lot the metering mode dial (multisegment, CW,
spot) of my MZ-5n. There is one in the D, but you need
to go through menus on the Ds (I asked this
specifically to the list some time ago).

--- Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Alin Flaider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Toralf Lund" <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 7:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Digital MZ-5n
> >
> >   I'd get a DSLR with the 5N controls layout (or
> MX for that matter).
> >   Distinct buttons for the essential photographic
> functions, not
> >   buried in obscure LCD menus. Come to that I
> don't think I even need
> >   an LCD.
> Just out of curiosity, what essential photographic
> functions are buried in
> obscure LCD menus on the D or Ds?
> Here's what's essential to me: aperture control
> (back wheelie thing on ist
> D).  Shutter speed control (front wheelie thing on
> *ist D).  Focus ring (yep
> all lenses have one).  Shutter button thingy (both D
> and Ds have one)
> ISO sensitivity (as easy to set on the D as it is on
> the LX or MX). And last
> on a digi-body, file type/quality setting (I shoot
> RAW 100% of the time and
> it's easy to set and not "burried" in a menu on the
> D; on the 20D it IS
> buried in the menu, but again it makes no difference
> to me because I set it
> once and never change it).
> nothing else needed to take a picture.
> Christian

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