OK,  you've convinced me <LOL>  Laurie has been scheduled for a rhinoplasty
later today.  She's consulting with the doc right now to determine the best
technique for the desired results.


> [Original Message]
> From: Doug Franklin 

> On Sun, 5 Jun 2005 07:41:28 -0700, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> > Hmmm .... there is a pretty sharp delineation between nose and arm on my
> > monitor, although, since others have mentioned it, I wonder if that
> > be in part because I know it's there.  I'll look more into that.
> > > > http://home.earthlink.net/~scbelinkoff/05.html
> I think it might be because you know it's there.  On my monitor, the
> line and slightly darker tone of her nose match up almost exactly with
> the shadow on her arm, making the nose "melt into" the arm, until I
> look closely at it.

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