That's what I like about Linux/Perl and scripting - do it once, let the script do it from there on in. I dump the images in my 'raw' directory, my script runs every five minutes, looking for new files to convert. Finds one, invokes dcraw, then pipes result to imagemagick, saves as tif and jpg - jpg then is ftp'd to my website, all nice and comfy. Five minutes after I dump the day's shooting, the proofs are online for viewing. Not perfect - they're proofs! If I see one that stands out, I either go back to the TIF or the RAW and redo it by hand - works a treat. I figure I manually process one out of thirty or so - if that. Most are just dross, but that's ok.

Right now, I'm just ftp'ing jpg files to my website - in the future, I hope to have all the EXIF data embedded in an XML file and shot up with the jpg, then converted to html when called by a web browser. Oooh, I get shivers just thinking about it. Very do-able, I just haven't gotten to it yet.

If I have to do it once, that's one thing. If I have to do it twice, that calls for a script. Programmers are lazy, that's why we're cool.



Herb Chong wrote:

free has certain advantages, but if you have to put in twice as much work, how much is your time worth?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wigwam Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: First *ist Ds shots

Works pretty well for me after I feed it to imagemagick, but hey, it's free. Freeeeeeee. I like that part.

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