doing it once and not quite right is worse than not doing it at all. dcraw doesn't produce anything usable except a composition preview. if i had only that as the tool for RAW conversion, i would not bother shooting RAW. that's not even considering the work needed to adjust an image to get its best rendition. i've noticed that once Windows/Mac-refuseniks leave college, they suddenly discover that their time is worth a lot more to them and that buying applications suddenly becomes the cheaper alternative.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wigwam Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: First *ist Ds shots

That's what I like about Linux/Perl and scripting - do it once, let the script do it from there on in. I dump the images in my 'raw' directory, my script runs every five minutes, looking for new files to convert. Finds one, invokes dcraw, then pipes result to imagemagick, saves as tif and jpg - jpg then is ftp'd to my website, all nice and comfy. Five minutes after I dump the day's shooting, the proofs are online for viewing. Not perfect - they're proofs! If I see one that stands out, I either go back to the TIF or the RAW and redo it by hand - works a treat. I figure I manually process one out of thirty or so - if that. Most are just dross, but that's ok.

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