Opera is nice and has many nice features, but has problems
with rendering style sheets (example: http://physics.ucsd.edu)

Firefox is indeed nice (and lightweight) and fast.
It seems to comply with all present HTML standards,
and render most pages that are "IE-optimized" correctly.

Advantage of Firefox (and Opera) as opposed to IE:
these browsers are not internally linked on the operating system itself,
i.e. they have less affect on the stability and security of the OS itself
(Windows). This is not the case with IE.
Disadvantages (for me) of Firefox: you cannot have more than one process
of Firefox -- all windows are threads of the same process.
As a result, if you change settings (e.g. language) in one window,
they change in all of them, unlike, say, in IE.
This is the main inconvenience that found in Firefox.

IE: heavy and bulky, internally related to the OS, and hence
can cripple Windows.

Michael Spivak: to best of my knowledge, Firefox does not have the
"enlarge" aka zoom capability. What you describe is how to 
increase /decrease the fonts size (as you can in IE), 
but not zoom in/out the entire page, as you 
can do in Opera (great feature of Opera!).

I am using all three for different purposes.
If one would choose only one, I'd personally recommend Firefox.

Hope this helps,


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