Over the past few days, I have been reading the whines and whinges concerning the MZ-S including the price. Rest assured, as soon as the cameras become mainstream, look for prices well below 600.00.
Having dropped AF as it does not suit my type of photography, there is one feature that could be added to the view finder that would lure me back without a hood. Imagine, spread across the top of the view finder a distance scale and depth of focus based on the lens focal length, distance focused upon, and either the preset or programmed aperture!
A new series of manual focus lenses could include the subject distance information that has been available on all F series and later lenses.
1/6000 shutter speed. Who needs it. I have only been caught out once when I grabbed Tri X rather than Plus X for an important shooting assignment. Back then, 1/2000 was not available and I just mounted a polariser on the lens to allow me to open up to f8 or 11.
Last, but not least, How many MZ-S cameras will be sold with a Sigma 28-70 / 70-210 UC lens kit?

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