> From: "Malcolm Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/06/24 Fri PM 12:13:00 GMT
> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Subject: RE: Re: Paw: The scent of early summer
> mike wilson wrote:
> > > Any chance of sending some rain down south?
> > Would sir like the three inches in two hours storm (a la 
> > Sunday evening) or the full monsoon?
> Hmm! Tricky one. 
> I'd rather like to gradually phase a monsoon in, with an option on a big
> storm. Might be able to take some pictures in the garden when some colour
> has returned.
> I think you may have sent it, it's started blowing a gale! 
> Malcolm (having flashbacks to the long hot Summer of '76)

You must be living in a different country to me.  Are you on chalk?  We have a 
clay substrate here and it takes much longer for the rainwater to disperse, if 
it's not causing flash floods.

It's hissing down here at the moment.  I'm going to Manchester at the weekend. 

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