frank theriault fantasized (gloriously) about Mr. Greenjeans

Actually, he was the Godfather.  Not just of Pee Wee Herman (which he
was), but in the Don Corleone sense, of the whole late-50's early-60's
Children's TV empire.  No one could make a move without him:

Jim Henson:  "Godfather, there's this new children's television show,
Sesame Street.  They'
re calling for puppets, just like I do.  I'd be perfect for their
puppeteer.  They say they won't give it to me.  They say there's no
chance, no chance.  I don't know what to do, I don't know what to

Mr. Greenjeans:   "You can act like a man! (slaps Henson in the face)
What's the matter with you? Is this how you turned out? A Hollywood
finocchio that ah cries like a woman? (then imitates Henson, as Mr.
Kangaroo giggles)."

Yup, behind that those unassuming green overalls was an evil genius, a
cruel but effective leader, controlling the whole industry...

I knew Mr. Greenjeans and frankly, you're no Mr. Greenjeans.

Actually Lumpy was a great guy. I was on the Captain Kangaroo Show once with a litter of Bearded Collie puppies. Lumpy got all the information from me to use on the show. When the shooting in Hell's Kitchen was over, it was around 4:30. He suggested that the pups would do better if I waited till after six to start my drive home. He than sat around and talked with me for over two hours. A truly interesting gentleman with great wit and inquisitiveness. Some people deserve what they achieve.

Larry in Dallas

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