On 6/26/05, Jay Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings fellow Pentaxians,
> I am a new *istDS user from Seattle, Washington USA. New to Pentax, but
> have dabbled in photography over the last decade or so. I've really
> been interested in digital the last few years using mostly Cano,...(do
> I dare mention on this forum?). The *ist DS is my firs DSLR. I am sure
> glad I went with the Pentax.  Macro subjects have always interested me
> so I'm looking at purchasing a better lens than my Sigma DL's to shoot
> stuff like insects, flowers at close range. Also looking at a ring
> flash unit.
> My question is regarding the AF080C ring flash. Is a used one in
> excellent condition worth  $150 US?
> Those of you who have used it are you pleased with it and is it
> invaluable for macros of flowers and insects?
> I look forward to contributing what little knowledge I have with the
> other great people here.
> Thanks,

Hey, Jey,

Welcome aboard.  You've now been sucked into the black hole/vortex
that is PDML.  You will never unsubscribe, no matter how badly you
want to.

You're "in for life".

I don't know for flashes, so I can't help you there, but those that
directed you to Mark Cassino's site didn't steer you wrong.

And, as some have also said, you can mention Canon, Nikon, Leica,
whatever brand you wsh to.  I don't think we're so paranoid as to have
a need to pretend that these and other brands don't exist.  In fact
many of us use and enjoy those other brands along with our Pentaxen
(which, if you didn't know, is unofficially the plural of Pentax <g>).

Tom Rittenhouse, one of our "senior members" compiled a little FAQ
that may answer any questions you may have - mostly common sense
stuff, but you may find it enlightening none-the-less:


As for Cotty, I have no idea what he's talking about... <LOL>

Have fun!

frank, Toronto, Canada

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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