On Jun 27, 2005, at 6:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yesterday in my comments about the Porto shots, I mentioned that using a longer lens tends to get us into a sniper mood when we take to the streets.

Yes, I agree. While walking through the SF Pride festivities yesterday, I fitted the 80-320mm lens that I have on loan for a bit. While it returned me some good shots, they are of a fundamentally different nature from the photos made with the 20-35 or 35-70 lenses ... they can obtain quite a bit of context with proper attention to framing, but when photographing people I feel quite a bit of the intimacy and the sense of connection is lost.

The Street Dancers photo is wonderful in its own way ... a tableau with some flaws but establishes the connections between events and people well. What it doesn't have is intimacy: it seems we are peering on the scene from afar, which we are.

The same goes for the Porto set. The three I liked I felt more connection, more context and involvement. The others seemed just good catches of people at a distance.


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