On 6/27/05, Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you.
> Haven't been at PDML long, but I'll take the risk, making a joke about the
> foreground (the plants).
> - Its kind'o Theriaultian ;-)

I'm not to comment on such things, so I've been told.  <LOL>  However
I will say that the term used to mean "blurry", but it may mean much
more than that now (not necessarily a good or bad thing).  <g>
> Cotty kindly(?) called the plant rubbish.

And you believed him?  <g>

 You say you like it.

I do.  For me it balanced the mountains and clouds in the distance. 
Gave a sense of perspective and context.  But, maybe you shouldn't
believe me, either...

> Me myself
> really don't know. I thought I needed an element that took the frame a bit
> down to earth. This plant was one of the things I tried, working in a hurry
> (fading light). Didn't have time to consider DOF seriously, shot more or
> less "as is". Also shot some frames with some trees (leaves) in the
> foreground, which did not work, not at all.

Well, that's it, isn't it?  We're working with changing circumstances,
sometimes quickly changing, so we grab what we can when we can.  The
other thing, of course, is that it's all pretty subjective.  One man's
rubbish is another man's balance.  The reality is that neither Cotty
nor I are right or wrong, objectively.  Subjectively we know what
works and doesn't work for ouselves - beyond that, we really can't say
much more.

Anyway, I'm off to work now - just got my first call of the day.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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