
Same here in the USA.  Thumbnails page opens fine, but none of the
detailed pictures behind them.

So are you keeping any Pentax equipment or switching format or...?

Regards,  Bob S.

On 7/2/05, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> > Sorry guys,  links may not have worked.
> > Now I uploaded a quick and dirty thumb nail pages so that you can see
> > enlarged photos by clicking each thumb nail.  Skipped legends as PDMLers can
> > tell which one is which so easily :-).
> >
> > See;
> >
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pentaxgear.html
> >
> > Hope this link works (wanted to make each page open separately but I got to
> > go now :-(.
> >
> > As I said, unlike most PDMlers, eBay was not my source of equip (should have
> > been though), hence no PayPal etc but I am now trying to see if I could
> > quickly make use of it.
> Ken, this very page opens. But non of sub-links work for me at least...
> They just produce an empty page...
> Boris

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