> From: Tom Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/07/04 Mon PM 10:45:57 GMT
> To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Subject: Re: Another damn traitor!
> Wheatfield Willie tried to threaten me when he wrote:
> > I'll make sure to get really, stinkingly, offensively drunk at the next 
> > one.
> > We'll see how well Mr. Civilized Reese fits in.
> > Start practising your projectile vomiting now Tom. You'll need some 
> > proficiency in this area.
> You're on Robb. Vodka, cranberry juice and Hormel Chili at 2 paces.

Thus spake the man with the weak stomach.  2 paces is what schoolgirls, who've 
been out on the alcopops at lunchtime, use around here.

> remember that there aren't any showers there.
> Tom Reese

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