Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> I was thinking about this little "survey" earlier, and how 
> few of the replies indicated that the digital cameras were 
> their favorites.  I've not counted replies and made any 
> effort to organize or tally the results, but, just from 
> reading,  it seems, even amongst digital users, one or 
> another of the older, film based (and most often manual) 
> cameras are the favored ones.

The LX wins both as a 'system' camera and by the simple way that everything
falls so well to hand in use. The *ist D is clumsy by comparison and there
was never any feeling that a system would be in place for it; just a
replacement model - although with the rate of improvement in technology that
was always to be expected. I like the *ist D very much - but the question
was favourite and there is for me a clear winner.

The LX is not just a favourite but an everyday camera too. It really will
take some beating in that respect, even above the MX, as it is so nice to


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