I wanted to take some photographs today of children and a puppet
(marionettes) theater.
I asked the director of the theater sitting unfortunately next to the
entrance if they had any limitation on taking photographs of the show (for
example not using flash which I would understand)
He simply said that taking photographs is not allowed in his theater because
of the contracts the have
with Suisa. That is the Swiss organization who collects the license fees for
the artists from the entry
fees of the theater and is in *no way* involved in the decision whether you
can take photographs or not.
I told him that I would like to ask the artist because it would be free
advertising for them as well as for his theater and I would give them prints
of the photos for free and send them to the local newspaper.
He refused again without a sensible reason.  I wished him a nice day and
left the theater.

Maybe I was just lucky before. I always got permission to take photographs
after some talk and on most events they do not even ask. They assume you are
from the press when you carry two cameras, monopod and an impressive flash
and are quite
self confident. And the actors/musicians/subjects liked it a lot when I sent
them prints afterwards.

Nothing helps against stupid men....


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