Hi Shel,
I've never been a fan of a lot of finder info, but I find some of what is displayed in the *istD useful. The rest just goes unnoticed by me. For one, I like having the stop and shutter speed info there. As I said previously, when shooting in manual exposure mode or program, I can just work the ap and shutter speed dials with my fingers and go to any exposure I wish without taking the camera away from my eye. The other bit of useful info is the over/under scale at the right side of the finer, which allows you to judge how you're differing from the meter reading in manual or shows the amount of exposure compensation in the various auto modes. Both very useful.
On Jul 11, 2005, at 11:15 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

<LOL>  Having looked through the finder of Bruce's D, I was a little
disappointed in the brightness, size of the viewing area, and all the info it contained. But, when comparing the view to other cameras of the same or similar nature, I could see that it is a relatively good one. I'm not sure how much of that info in the finder can be turned off, although some of it
is not bothersome and actually somewhat useful.  Of course, I'm the guy
that finds the LX finder confusing ... ;-))

Thanks Dave.


[Original Message]
From: <brooks>

Cannot speak for the Ds, but the viewfinder in the D is fantastic.
Thats what sold me on the camera.
Would be nice if it showed a few more items,but it does what
it was built for.


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