Boris Beard wrote:

> Two months ago, I aquired my first LX [...]
>  I happened to have a 40mm pancake on it (as that's
> one of my favourite focal lengths).
> [...] Then he added "this lens is too cheap for 
> a magnificent camera like this"
> So - what should I be using with my LX to do it justice?

Well Wendy (or Boris <g>), since the 40mm lens is of a focal
length that you like, it's as perfect a lens as any for your
LX.  It is nonsense to think that any one lens "is too cheap"
to be used on an LX - or any camera for that matter.

While it's true that there are lenses of better quality, or
lenses that can produce sharper, more contrasty, photos, such
as the very expensive 43mm Ltd, playing the lens game is not
what photography is all about.  Some of the world's most
notable photographs, as well as some of this lists best
photos, have been made with older or less expensive glass,
some lenses being so old that they're neither coated nor
K-mount, nor (GASP!) Pentax.

There are many on this list with several LX bodies, and with
lenses ranging from a cheap $20.00 50mm all the way up to
glass costing many, many times that, and you know what - they
all work just fine on the LX. So, shoot with what you like,
learn about other options, but don't ever be deluded into
thinking that an LX "deserves" anything better than what
you're using at the time. 

Once you've learned the characteristics of various lenses
you'll choose the one that will best produce the photograph
you have in mind.  A camera, no matter how cheap or expensive,
no matter how common or how rare, is little more than a place
to hold the film flat while the lens, whatever its value, goes
about the job of creating the image on the film.
Sheldon Belinkoff
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