On Jul 19, 2005, at 12:35 PM, Jon M wrote:

Say you wanted to bring an SLR and 1-3 lenses with you
on a mountain biking trip... how would you do it, and
what sort of body/lenses would you bring?

Just how tough IS pentax equipment?

How will you be carrying the gear? I don't recommend having the camera in a backpack because it will hurt if you fall on it.

I've done at least three rides with camera gear, but two were only short day-trips. One was just a regular weekend 300m climb when the plains below were foggy, and the other was about 920m which is the highest point in the immediate vicinity. Both times I carried a K2 in the backpack. My usual sense of self-preservation stopped me from falling off, so no problems there.

The other ride was through Molesworth Station a couple of years ago - that was about 200km in 2 days. On that occasion I took a small 6x7 kit (body + 45mm f/4 and Pentax digital spot meter). The old steel rack that was holding my bags on the bike broke... thank goodness for electrical tape :) The camera was fine both during and after the trip. I think I may have packed a K2 as well... why did I have to buy the heavy models?

My gear was in a small padded Lowepro bag (Nova 3) which would have cut the jarring down a little bit. I had stunning weather so rain wasn't a problem, although we carried some plastic bags just in case.

I'd scan some photos but I'm going out for dinner soon :)


- Dave


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