Hello Scott,

There appears to be some nice shots in there.  I sure wish they were
just a little bigger.  On my monitor, 19", it is really hard to see
the details that I think are there.  Any way to show some bigger ones?

Best regards,

Monday, July 18, 2005, 8:51:14 PM, you wrote:

SL> As most of you already know, six of us (four from the list, actually)
SL> met in Philadelphia the weekend of July 9th.  Just to spare those of
SL> you who don't want to read the boring narrative, the entire gallery
SL> can be seen here:
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?list=16

SL> My arrival in Philly reminded me of rush hour traffic in St. Louis.
SL> Never mind the fact that rush hour in St. Louis was never as bad as a
SL> Saturday morning in Philadelphia.  I circled the city center, found a
SL> parking spot, and then met Rick, Tom, Susan, Nate and Amita at a nice
SL> little restaurant for lunch.  And beer.  Nothing better than beer to
SL> start off a hot afternoon on foot.

SL> After lunch the rest of the gang went off to take photos.  I went to
SL> the hotel to check in and then made a rendezvous at Love Park.  There
SL> are quite a few very recognizable landmarks visible from the park.
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=114  In my former city
SL> life, I spent about seven years in St. Louis.  I never once saw a
SL> homeless person sleeping in public.  (There is really no political
SL> commentary intended.  Merely an observation.)  I saw several during my
SL> short visit to Philadelphia. 
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=112

SL> Tom, Zen, and the art of camera repair. 
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=108

SL> Sometime after leaving Love Park and before arriving on Boathouse Row,
SL> I shot another roll of film.  It is fogged beyond my capability to
SL> digitally correct.  Maybe I'll try to fix it in the future.  If you
SL> need a visualization of this part of Philadelphia, watch "Rocky".

SL> Our final leg of the Bataan........er :).......walking tour took us
SL> down Boathouse Row.  Rick told us that many of these beautiful homes
SL> are owned by private rowing clubs. 
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=109  Nate, Amita and I took
SL> a cab back to the hotel.  Tom and Susan caught the train home.  And
SL> Rick, who later informed me that he was "wiped", went home to have
SL> dinner with his family.

SL> After a little relaxation, Amita, Nate and I ventured out of the hotel
SL> in search of food.  And beer.  We didn't eat here: 
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=113  We found a nice quiet
SL> Irish Pub a few blocks away.  Amita let me play with her fish eye
SL> lens.  http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=111  At 9pm, the
SL> fine folks from Molson started the money machine, which made it
SL> not-so-quiet.  But Molson drafts were two bucks, so we stayed a while.

SL> The next morning I had breakfast at the hotel with Amita and Nate, and
SL> then met Rick for a very interesting tour of the city near Washington
SL> Square.  http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=110 
SL> http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=115  Shortly after starting
SL> the morning, I switched to chrome.  I'll post some scans in a couple
SL> weeks.

SL> I had a wonderful time meeting a few folks from the list.  It's always
SL> nice to put a voice and a face to the email address.  Many thanks to
SL> Rick for organizing the event.

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