>I use almost everything Mark uses, although with different frequencies. 

I'll bet this speaks more to the different kinds of subject matter you
and I tend to photograph as much as anything else.

>Until last year, my most advanced camera was an LX and I've always been 
>somewhat of a traditionalist, so most of this is still new to me. But, 
>to my surprise, I find much of the *istD features useful. In terms of 
>how my list would differ from Mark's, I use continuous autofocus quite 

You do quite a bit of motorsports, right?
I'm off to Mid-Ohio on Friday, to shoot the AMA Superbike races. I
expect to be in continuous autofocus mode most of the time. :)

>and I use manual selective autofocus extensively. 

Same here.

>I use aperture priority and shutter priority exposure modes quite often. 

Most of the time I'm in "mental" aperture-priority mode when I have the
camera set to hyper-program. The only time I'll work shutter-priority is
when doing motorsports shots.

>I use mirror lockup quite often 

Same here... but I'm a nature photo guy so you'd expect that!

>and automatic bracketing on important shoots. 

That was on my "never" list. When I bracket I do it manually.

>Since I use a lot of K and M lenses, I frequently use manual 
>exposure mode. 

I use manual exposure when I'm shooting with a K lens (my 5/3.5) but
also whenever I'm using flash. I keep the camera in manual exposure
mode, set the aperture and shutter speed for ambient light levels and
then adjust the fill level on the flash for the situation and the effect
I'm after.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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