Hi Pentax Lovers
after having spent the night fixing some computers I went early in the
morning at sunrise to the lake Zurich to take some impressions for the
postcard series I make at the moment for my client bestofswitzerlandtours.

Between 6 and 9 o'clock you can fish at the landing stage for pike and other
kind of fish like "Egli" and trout  and I had some interesting talk with a
fisherman telling me all the details about fishing... I would have loved to
get a shot with a fish but frankly did not have the patience and went to the
flee market later on "Bürkliplatz" to take some snapshots :-)

I used the Tamron SP 17mm on the Pentax P30 here.

comments are welcome

the link:

http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3586817&size=lg (a modest 92 KB)

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