Tell Tofu that's a great shot Frank!
Did you teach him the "Rule of Thirds" or does
he just have the eye?
I really like that CL lens, very sharp with a nice
transition to OOF areas.

In case you didn't catch my question yesterday,
how do you communicate with the messengers to
dispatch them.
I've never seen bike messengers in action, must
be a pretty cool job. (Most times)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:40 AM
> To: PDML
> Subject: PESO: Goof on a Roof
> I hate this one:
> Because I didn't take it.  Tofu says, "Gimme the camera so I can take
> a shot."  So I set it up for exposure and hyperfocus range, and hand
> it to him.  Then the bastard goes and takes the best shot on the roll!
>  <LOL>
> This is the last of this series of snaps of the Toronto gang kicking
> around NYC (thank God, you're all thinking!), also the last that I'll
> show of the roll that I got made into 4x6 quickprints.  I might show
> one more of the racing activity, but that will have to wait at least
> until next weekend.
> BTW, Boris (if you read this) in another thread you mentioned that
> Tofu is an unusual or odd name.  Of course, it's just his nickname. 
> Jonathan is his real name.  He's a vegan (that is he consumes
> absolutely no animal products or byproducts, so unlike many
> vegetarians, he won't eat or drink dairy or eat fish).  Tofu, being
> derived from soy beans, is used as a meat substitute by many vegans
> (including Johathan) due to its high protein content, and due to the
> fact that it can be processed to mimic the taste meats.
> Anyway, comment on this photo if you wish, even though I didn't take
> it.  I'm sure Tofu will appreciate anything you say (and I will report
> back to him!).  <g>
> cheers,
> frank
> -- 
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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