I don't like flash.  I don't have a need for it.  It doesn't fit with the
type of photography I do.  I don't want to learn something new right now. I
think flash is intrusive and annoying.  I don't want to carry more
equipment around with me.  The world is already lit well enough for me.  I
enjoy working with natural light.  I don't want to "control" light - I want
to work with what's available.  I enjoy the challenge and creativity that
offers.  I don't need flash for a "job."  I'm having enough trouble getting
my head around color and auto focus. When I'm ready to explore the world of
flash, I'll look into it.  Although I enjoy discussions about other
subjects that I've little need for or interest in, with the idea that the
knowledge may be worthwhile, flash is a subject that leaves me completely

The question of flash usage doesn't come up "frequently" for me.  It comes
up for other people.  I don't care how often they use flash, or under what
circumstances. I don't give a rat's ass about using flash.  It's irrelevant
to me that you use flash, and that you may be buying some flash equipment.

Does that answer your question?


> [Original Message]
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

> I've heard you assert "I don't know anything about flash" many times  
> now, Shel. Given that the question of flash usage comes up so  
> frequently, why don't you read up about it, both the basics and the  
> Pentax flash system notions on Bojidar's site? The information is  
> useful to know whether or not you actually use it... it's a useful  
> thing to know about from the point of view of controlling/capturing  
> light.
> I use flash extremely infrequently, but I have spent quite a bit of  
> time studying it so that in case it is required for a particular job  
> I can use it effectively. I use mostly manual flash techniques when I  
> do use it, but am about to push the button on a Pentax dedicated  
> flash unit purchase as I feel the extra capabilities (high speed sync  
> and second curtain sync) might be useful to me.

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