Powell Hargrave wrote:

The Volvo was actually the one thing that I didn't like about this shot, until others focused on the heiny :-). I actually considered photoshopping the Volvo out of there, but I got lazy.

I like the picture Paul.  A nice intimate moment between friends.  Sure it
could be improved or ruined by: Posing the women properly; Having the
shorts changed to something more concealing/revealing depending...

Hah! Easily a third of the people posting here would love it if you could put one of those TV "obscurers" such as a rectangle of badly out-of-focus mottled gray, over the offending part.


The same folks probably have an Exacto® knife handy to edit any pictures of David they run across, and they burn books by [gay woman who has all those coffeee table picture books of orchids] and [gay man who has the marvelously evocative pictures of unclad men and boys...]

Think that's a joke? It isn't meant as such.

Who can find unwanted suggestiveness in a set of wrinkled shorts stuffed with someone's behind, who just happens to be a woman? Un-damned-believable!

That street shot (oops! did I just say a dirty word?) is about three women, sharing their friend's pregnancy (or is that objectionable too?) in a public place. God forbid there should be a stray papparazzi with a dirty mind around to worry them!

(Did I ever tall you about the nut who always came up with a sexually suggestive explanation for all of the Rorschach ink blots the psychiatrist was showing him? When asked why the bias in his explanations, he said, "Hey, doc, it was YOU who had the dirty pictures!)

Who KNOWs why the woman on the left is smiling. Lots of suppositions here, probably none of them rational. With the pregnant woman sitting down, and her pals sort of hovering around her, how are you going to be close emotionally, touching and showing tenderness without bending over, and getting close physically?

I think it's a great picture! A rare sensitive moment between friends.

A prude's mind works in mysterious ways...

If you are going to change it, a reduction of contrast and saturation on
the Volvo plus a bit tighter crop of the top and right.

my .02 Cdn = .0164

keith whaley

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