Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If it is a hoax, my usually-reliable sources fell for it.  Personally, 
>I don't know if this is or isn't a hoax, but it conforms to the new 
>Canon we have been getting leaks about for a while.  So far as I know, 
>Canon has not officially commented on it yet.
>I'll let you folks know if I learn any reliable information.

It certainly conforms what I predicted quite some time ago that Canon
would produce, simply because it's within their technical capabilities
and is plain common sense from a marketing standpoint: Skip the
armor-plated construction of the 1Ds and some of the advanced
features/electronics and build a lower-spec body around a 10-12
megapixel full-frame sensor. 

My prediction was that they would use the older 11-megapixel sensor from
the original 1Ds, construction and features comparable to the 10D/20D
and bring the camera in at $3000 (the price point at which the
3-megapixel D30 startled the world!) 
If the D5 proves to be real it'll be pretty close to my guess. Perhaps
they are using a different sensor because found a more economic
fabrication process. Perhaps the price will eventually fall to my $3000
figure. We'll see...
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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