> addendum:
> If you're on broadband, you can be online (at breathtaking speeds) *AND*
> your Mrs can be chatting away on the phone line *at the same time*.  This
> will sell it to her :-)
> Cheers,
>   Cotty

Yup, thats what i'v conviced her we need. Hi speed LOL

She can see the frustration trying to upload 600-700 photos after a show to my 
site on
me roughly 5-6 hours due to the speed, crashes, reconnects etc.

IMSMK, she approved hispeed a few weeks ago.

To make it even more appealing, i told her this laptop would replace the two 
that are just 
sitting downstairs taking up space.My old on site ones. They are small 
enough,like the
size of a large 
phone book, but the table they are on, and the monitors, is another matter.<VBg>

Again this was a good thing to say.LOL

Now when we talk broadband, can you use that work in one breath ie: include hi 
speed dial
up AND hi 
speed cable, or is broad band something completly different.
(he ran away)



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