This one time, at band camp, "E.R.N. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What about the one who caught cold at his inauguration and only lived a 
> month? William Henry Harrison. Anybody since him?
> As to recent presidents hell-bent on starting wars, I don't recall which 
> wars Ford and Carter started.

Ford - Invasion of East timor by Indonesia had full backing of Ford and
Kissenger. All the weapons were supplied by the US.

Carter - backed a series of surrogate wars in Angola, Mozambique, Central 
American, the Caribbean
and was there in Afghanistan also.

Harrison - "Old Tip" new little of anything exept the military
 Most of the conflicts during this period were in the frontiers as 
battles raged against the Indians. Harrison was a leader in these

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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