William Robb wrote:
I finally managed to get out with the 600 and do some shooting.
This les is a challenge to shoot with, to be sure.
Anyone using long lenses (Ken, Tom!!!) any tips or advice for using one of these beasties would be appreciated.

Anyway, a couple of my less embarrasing atempts with the big gun are here....

The lens is twitchy for sure. For maximum sharpness, I recommend use of a very solid tripod, a cable release and mirror lockup when you can. Use all three if your subject allows it. Tripod and cable release together will go a long way toward getting sharp images.

Wind can be a big problem in my experience. The lens stays in its case when there's more than a moderate breeze.

I also try not to ask too much of it. It can't fix atmospheric haze or heat shimmer. I prefer to shoot stuff that's a little closer in than what you did with those shots.

A suggestion for having fun with the lens:

Put a table out in the yard with some birdseed on it. Try to place the table near a tree. Birds will land in the tree before they hop down to the table. Shoot them in the tree (I hate birdfeeder pictures). Birds are nervous critters and don't stay still for even a second. Try to work from a concealed position if possible.

Keep practicing.

Tom Reese

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