Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Sunday, August 21, 2005, at 09:35  PM, Mark Roberts wrote:
>> My SO and I moved to Pittsburgh 3 years ago. Every summer, beginning in
>> August, we've heard (but not seen) what we have taken to calling a
>> "clickety bug". It makes an click-click-click-click-click noise (from 5
>> to 25 clicks) and then pauses for a minute or more. Unlike crickets, 
>> for example, these bugs don't seem to exist in great numbers, as we can
>> usually detect no more than 4-5 of them in the immediate area. Any
>> suggestions as to what it might be? Just curious - and we have been for
>> 3 years ;-)
>Indoors or outdoors?

Outdoors. Here's what they sound like:
I think there are two of them going in this recording. You can hear the
"click-click-click-click" noise in the background behind all the
crickets and traffic noise, etc. :)
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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