----- Original Message ----- From: "keithw"
Subject: Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

Ten make him an 11 X 13 1/4, or 11 X 12 3/4. It's a custom print anyhow, isn't it?
Does everyone measure prints, to make sure they get their money's worth?
Or, am I missing something...

No one wants to pay custom, and photo labs tend to produce stock print sizes, left to their own devices. With film, the problem was not being able to fit the ends of a 35mm frame into an 8x10, which wasn't so much of a problem, since it was a low volume product. With digital, the problem is cropping the top and bottom off the image to fit a 4x6 print. This is a problem, since it is a high volume product.

William Robb

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