In a message dated 8/21/2005 3:10:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
I've added a thumbnail gallery page link to my PAW 2005 front page.  
Makes it easy to find a particular image, if you're so inclined:

The link is at the lower portion of the page. Let me know what you  
think, or whether some other design would be more helpful.

Thumb nail page looks good. (Some nice photos I hadn't seen.)

But, I too, found the little blocks confusing. At first I thought they were 
supposed to be thumbnails, then I saw the link to the thumbnail page.

Maybe the blocks could be smaller, then no one would think that they are 
supposed to be thumbnails (with pictures that didn't load). Or maybe dots or 
rather than blocks. 


Nice photos. I wish I could do 1/2 as well.


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