I recently purchased a nifty Jupiter 9 85/2 in M42 screwmount. It came with a decent 
looking adapter K. 

(The whole thing was cheaper than two cases of Heineken. Yes I realize this lens is 
probably NOT to be mentioned in the same breath with a real Pentax 85/2 but hey for 
$50.... and besides I really like my Kiev MF lenses, especially on a Mamiya 645. 

I realize this is probably a substandard adapter unit but I'd love to try this cool 
little lens on my K1000 or MZ5.

Is there a trick to fitting this? The adapter doesn't want to mount up to any of my 
bodies. If I fit the adapter to the lens, still no go. I sure as heck ain't gonna 
force it!

Alternately, what is the best source for a quality adapter? B&H doesn't seem to list 
the real Pentax item. Is the real Pentax adapter worth the extra $? Does anyone have 
experience with good non-Pentax adapters?

Hey, I'll be fitting up my MZ5 with a CZJ 180/2.8 from my Kiev outfit If I can get 
this going....Pentacon 6 to M42 is pretty easy!

I'm on digest, please answer directly. 

Thanks in advance!

Chris Lillja
School Publications Guy

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