One of the things I'm inspecting carefully is colour depth. I've got a slide of a red geranium (on Velvia....) that I cannot get a decent scan of with the Craposcan. It looks indescribably dull and if I try to boost the saturation, the image just goes a sort of wierd fluorescent hue before it gets anywhere near the correct colour. This is going to be my test slide for whatever I get.


I wouldn't test any scanner with a slide like that. Velvia is one of the most saturated films you can shoot, and any scanner is going to have a tough time with extremely-saturated colors like that. I'd recommend a more neutral film, like Provia or even Astia (since we're already talking Fuji here), and try shooting a range of subjects with a range of colors and saturations.

Just my $0.02

John Celio


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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