Probably the same way my Z-20 (PZ-20)  does. You'd press the Tv/Av
button to change what the wheel controlled (ie. shutter speed or



On 8/26/05, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shel Belinkoff"
> Subject: Re: Pancakes for Breakfast
> > Oh, I didn't know that.  Don't recall ever hearing of such a thing. That
> > might be kinda neat ... or not.  Worth trying, anyway.
> I would still prefer using an aperture ring, but since they are taking that
> option away from us, we do what we have to do.
> On the istD, the front ring controls the shutter time, the rear one controls
> the aperture value. I haven't handled a Ds, apparently it only has one
> control wheel, so I don't know how it seperates the control function.
> William Robb

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