I've also experienced banding in high ISO images when the battery was low. Lots more noise too. Plus occasionally it refuses to fire even if there is no reason why it shouldnt. I like the CRV3s better for this reason.

With batteries that are in their death throes, I've seen the camera lock up 
like a computer that crashed. I also recall one instance of autofocus becoming 
squirrely. Removing and reinstalling the batteries provided a temporary cure, 
but in both cases the batteries were near exhaustion.

What is this glitch?  I recall reading that something happens to the D (and
maybe the DS as well) when battery power is low.  What happens and how does
one correct the problem.  Thanks!


[Original Message]
From: Don Sanderson

I've only had one little glitch that required me to remove the
batteries and let the D reset since I switched.
Before that all kinds of wierd things happened whe the Alkaline
or NiMh's started getting low.

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