Makes sense. Maybe we should all do it unofficially? 12 hours either side of the equinox GMT?

Who's all for it?  Let's hear it?  Yay, Nay?

Tom C.

To: <>
Subject: RE: PUG Themes?
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 22:31:03 +0100

> Actually I don't agre that it puts all the emphasis on when
> you took the photograph (some of the emphasis yes).  Sure, if
> a person wants to go out and take a picture just because, the
> results will likely be no better than the effort.  I find it
> a challenge to try and produce a, what should I call it...
> well thought out, envisioned  photo in the time frame allowed.

If I remember correctly, when the idea was first touted back in the last
millennium, the plan was to do something similar to the "Day in the Life of
Brobdingnag" (e.g., except we're better than all
those Magnum guys <g>), and it was gradually whittled down to "everybody
press their button simultaneously". I think the first idea is still a good
one, whereas the second is really rather too restrictive.

The equinox this year is Thursday 22 September at 22:23 GMT
( Since this is a work
night I don't think we'd get much from the European PDMLers. I think most
others would be at work. Really only the US Eastern time zone would find it
an easy one if the brief was for everybody to click the shutter at the same



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