Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> However, storage cards are reasonably inexpensive and generally a one- 
> time purchase. Two 1G cards rated at 45-60x, in either CF or SD  
> format, are a little less than $160. That's ten rolls of film plus  
> processing, less than two/three weeks film consumption for me, and  
> you can reuse the cards for many thousands of cycles.
> Godfrey

Yeah, storage is just so cheap, it isn't worth too much thought these days. I
picked up a 2GB SD card for $209 aussie the other week, and already it has paid
for itself I think, just in the convenience. And just a quick calculation (*),
use the card fully about three times, and it's paid back in D&P costs.

Only weird thing, while the card reads fine on my reader at home, the card
reader at work won't recognise the 2GB. It comes up as a FAT disk, but it's all
gobbledygook in Windows explorer.

* 188 frames=5 rolls of film = ~$50 for film + $25 for developing only.

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