The point is, what should it matter to anyone what anyone else does with
his or her camera?

I find it most interesting that you ~seem~ to be denigrating someone who
chooses to put a piece of black tape over a red dot while defending your
position of reskinning your camera in snakeskin.  It's also noteworthy that
some people have decided that anyone who tapes a Leica is pretentious and
that the practice is abhorrent. It's just a friggin' piece of tape that can
be easily removed without a trace.

Personally, I find your reskinned LX to be ugly, but I'd NEVER point a
finger at you and characterize you by your decision to reskin the camera,
just as I'd never judge Tom by what he did to his Leica M4. Take a look at
the "Purple Haze" Leica on this page, which, BTW, I find just as cool as
someone who wants an all black body.


> [Original Message]
> From: Cesar 
> Subject: Re: The Gaffer Tape Chronicles (was Re: The DS - It's Here!)
> Shel,
> Since I am brought up in this thread let me respond.
> There is a difference in terms of the amount of camouflaging of the 
> camera.  When I reskin a camera it is rather visible.  The amount of 
> area covered by the reskinning is major.  I am going from black 
> (inconspicuous) to rather obvious if people paid attention.  And I have 
> found a few women do notice... :-)  Now if I can reskin my *ist D!
> I can ask that if someone covers a red dot are they being rather 
> 'obnoxious' in the sense of how many people - not photographers, since 
> we can sense when a camera is upon us - will actually notice the red dot 
> as opposed to someone pointing an all black camera at them.
> The covering of a logo is more understandable...  How many photographers 
> who cover non-black portions of their camera also make it a point to 
> wear only black?  How many subjects will notice a red dot on a camera as 
> opposed to a bright-colored shirt or jacket?
> Just another point of view, not that it makes a difference to me,

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