David Savage wrote:

Funny you should bring this up Shel because I just got home (within
the last 1 hour) from spending a thoroughly enjoyable day and night
(14:00-23:30) walking around Fremantle and Perth with him (He asked me
if anyone had noticed he was missing and I said "Nah", and he just
laughed.). We spent the afternoon in Fremantle, had a lovely dinner,
then we went to Perth to do some night photography. I also got to play
with his FA 200 f2.8 (I feel an enablement coming on <g>), Voigtlander
125mm f2.5 (that  is a mighty fine piece of glass) and his pano rig..

Thanks for the update!

He and his partner drove over from Sydney for a holiday. She has since
flown home & Rob is going to be driving back in the next week. So you
should expect him to be back online in a couple of weeks (depending on
how may detours he makes <g>).

For those of you who are unaware of where Perth is in relation to
Sydney, well, they are on opposite sides of the country. That drive is
5000 + km either way, so it takes awhile :-)

Being a car nut as well as a camera nut, I must ask, what is he driving all that way?

keith whaley

I'll post a few pictures tomorrow...er...later today. But I'm not
posting a pic of Rob unless he posts his shot of me. We both managed
to take shots of each other at our daggy best <VBG>

It was a good time, he's a good bloke & I learnt quite allot from him.


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