Hey Folks, 

A while ago I asked about the differences between the *ist-DS and the
*ist-DL, and got a set of great answers. I decided the *ist-DS was more
attractive to me because of the pentaprism (instead of the pentamirror).
Viewfinder brightness is a matter of importance for me in my macro work.
Price is also a concern. Today I got ready to order, and discovered that
suddenly neither B and H or Adorama carry the *ist-DS anymore! Does anyone
know why this is the case? And now I see there's a DS2 on the Pentax site,
although I don't see this for sale yet! Is this scheduled to be a pricey

I'm afraid of other companies.....I've...I've been hurt before. :)


Barry A. Rice, Ph.D.
Invasive Species Specialist
Invasive Species Initiative
The Nature Conservancy
V: 530-754-8891

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