On 9/16/05 12:05, Fred wrote:

>> measurbating
>> Like parrots in a bordello... ;-)
> OK, would you wanna explain these, Godfrey ?
> Fred

I'm not sure where Godfrey was coming from, but the second comment reminds
me of this parrot-in-the-bordello joke (it's not too risqué):

> A woman was looking around in a pet shop and spotted a large parrot with
> beautiful green and blue feathers.
> She had always wanted to own a parrot but was well aware that she could not
> afford a bird of this type, as it would cost a small fortune.
> Out of curiosity she asked the store owner how much the parrot cost. She could
> barely believe her ears when the pet shop owner said "fifty dollars ma'am."
> The woman asked why such an expensive bird was being sold for such a small
> amount. The shopkeeper replied that the parrot had been living in a bordello
> and was known to make some rather off color remarks, so he was trying to get
> rid of it. 
> Realizing that she would never see another opportunity like this to buy a
> parrot, she paid the man fifty dollars and took the bird home.
> She set the cage down in the corner of the kitchen and removed the sheet that
> covered the cage.
> The parrot looked around the room and then back at the woman and squawked "New
> house, new madam." While the comment surprised her, she didn't find it too
> offensive, and ultimately decided it was rather amusing.
> In the afternoon, the woman's two teenage daughters came home from High
> School. They were led to the kitchen by their mother to see the parrot.
> The parrot squawked "New house, new madam, new whores." At first all three
> were quite offended but eventually they were laughing together about their
> rude parrot. 
> Later in the afternoon, the woman's husband Keith came home from work. His
> wife and daughters dragged him into the kitchen to see their rude parrot.
> The parrot squawked "New house, new madam, new whores, Hi Keith."


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