I'm using Outlook Express on a Windows 98 machine that I refuse to upgrade.
No drivers, no software, no hardware, no nothing. I can't even be bothered
plugging the speakers back into my soundcard.

I've been fooling with computers since the early 80's and I'm sick of them.
Sick of hardware that doesn't work, twitchy bug ridden software that doesn't
work either and an internet full of nitwits who love to write viruses, worms
and all that other crap.

Computers used to be fun. I remember fiddling with the jumpers so the sound
card would get along with the video card. I remember trying to tweak QEMM
to get enough memory free to play LINKS. They lost their shine a long long
time ago (just about the same time I lost all  my patience). Now they aren't
fun anymore. They're aggravating, annoying, hateful pieces of junk.

Hmmm, it appears that I've filled my monthly rant quota a bit early.

Tom Reese

> What obsolete primitive mail read are you using?

> Tom Reese wrote:
>  >
> > Not everyone reads them that way. My mail program doesn't thread
anything. I
> > get them sorted by date and I need some context to figure out what's
> > on.

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