On 2005-09-19 07:46, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
> On Sep 19, 2005, at 6:16 AM, Martin Trautmann wrote:
> > I feel, this is very justified, too. Systems should be at a reasonable
> > default setup. ...
> The defaults Pentax set work very well for whom they targeted them to  
> be useful.

Hm - I feel that the result is reasonable. However, a DSLR is IMHO aimed at
higher precision than ordinary P&S - so the default setup could be expected
to offer high quality. At least ISO and resolution defaults are high, too.

> The use the word "Bright", not "Vivid" ... sorry. Page 108 in the  
> *ist DS manual, the Color Tone option describes the setting.

Thanks - So I don't have to look for vivid.

But then I do understand your critique even less: 

Is it correct that the default setup (which is a fixed default for picture
modes) will produce images that are significantly worse than those from
other DSLRs?

Your suggested solutions were

- change the setp (which can be done for non-picture-modes only)
- use RAW (which is double size compared to other companies)

> *ist DS PEF files are 9.7-10.8 Mbytes in size apiece. Canon 10D CRW  
> files are 6.5-7.8 Mbytes apiece. While the Pentax files are larger, I  
> see little reason to disparage them as being "huge".

I don't know how fast compression is: saving double sized raw images could
be slower. On the other hand compression + compressed saving might take longer 
saving uncompressed. So I don't know whether there's a speed penalty.

However, there's a storage penalty when your memory device can take half the
images only.

> For the users for whom the program presets were created, those who  
> normally want to make modest sized prints directly out of the camera,  
> the settings are excellent: they do a better job than the program  
> presets on my Canon 10D, for instance.

Agreed - maybe they print directly from the camera.

> For enthusiasts who want to  
> get the most out of the camera, they use P, Tv, Av, M and B settings.  

Hm - 'enthusiasts' refused P or AF (and probably some time ago Tv and Av,
too). Maybe the refuse to use auto-ISO, too. However, I'n mot sure whether
auto picture modes is NOT a default setup for many enthusiasts who expect
reasonably best results.

> > Do you know any other comparison documented online, comparing the jpeg
> > quality of different cameras, which is of better quality than  
> > dpreview looks like?
> I don't personally search for all possible review sites. I look at  
> DPReview, Imaging-Resource, Steve's and a couple others as people  
> mention them.

I did not check all of them - but the logical questions would be:

- what's the optimum JPEG setup for best quality

- how does this compare to other cameras' optimum setup

- is there a choice (e.g. via firmware updates or optios) to make
  this setup the new default

Maybe this was answered before? I feel that your answer did not correct the
info that Pentax' JPEG output is of inferior quality, but confirmed it.

> Normally, I just go to the store and look at a camera  
> I'm interested in myself, shoot my own test images, and make my  
> judgments from that.

That's a good idea how the camera feels. But it's not exactly true, how well
the camera performs compared to others. If you just want the look and feel of 
camera - and its test shots - that's sufficient. But the digital area offers
better options to compare picture quality directly. It's what should be
expected from camera comparisons: where does one perform better than the
other. Personally, I don't have the equipment to do those tests. That's why
external verifications appear so valuable - and why I'd like to understand
what should be wrong about them.

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