STOP the personal attacks. It is irresponsible
behavior for you to continue classify my
posts as inane or religious or wasted bandwidth without responding
to them directly. In other words if you cant
refute what I am saying then you don't have the right
to make those kind of personal insults without
cause. This is the second time
I have had to say this and I don't like it
one bit. Respond to the posts IF YOU CAN.
If you CANT, then stop the personal attacks..
-----Original Message-----
From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: green button wars (again)

On Sep 19, 2005, at 8:32 PM, J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> YOUR spamming- please stop posting posts with
> absolutely no relevant content to the list...
> P.S. havent you got anything better to do that
> count my posts and report to the list? that's sad...

What I'm posting is extremely relevant to the list: I'm pointing out  
how much email bandwidth is being wasted with these inane diatribes  
of yours. We're long since moved past sensible discussion of the  
topic and gotten into religion now.

It's a tough job but somebody has to do it. I'll accept the burden  
for the good of the PDML community. :-)


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