On two occasions I've had a problem with stuck
stop-down levers. In one case (A*-300mm f/2.8) it was
sent to Pentax Colorado. I had it 'handled' by a local
camera shop with which I've been closely associated
for many years.
When returned, I opened it in the presence of the shop
owner. First thing I did was activate the lever by
hand. It stuck!
The incensed shop owner was ready to pack it up then
and there to send back, but I wanted to try it for a
few days. That was in the mid eighties and I've had no
indication of its happening since.
In the second case, with a no longer owned early
version of the SMC 28~200, the new owner related the
same problem. Later learned he had let it pass and, at
that point, had not had it recur.
No particular point here. Just felt like relating.


--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I agree .... and no, it was not a sudden change in
> the light.  I'm gonna go
> for the simple explanation for the time being ;-)) 
> Thanks!
> Shel 
> "Am I paranoid or perceptive?" 
> > [Original Message]
> > From: John Forbes 
> >
> > The simple explanation is usually the one to go
> for.  The aperture is set
> > by the lens.  The camera's only input is to
> activate the stop down lever,
> > and I would guess that that is something that
> either works or it doesn't.
> >
> > The camera of course has to fire the shutter at
> the correct speed, and I  
> > would think that an intermittent problem here in
> such a well-tested and  
> > common mechanism is rather unlikely.  Again, these
> tend either to work  
> > properly or not at all.
> >
> > So, in my view, and assuming it's not a sudden
> light shift, as Kostas  
> > suggested, it comes down to the lens.  You
> exercised it AFTER the event,  
> > so it's working properly now, but it might not
> have been when you took
> the  
> > picture.

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